Ring Pop® Candy Leis
Everything you’ll need:
- Ring Pop® 20 count Party Pack
- Paper Towel Rolls
- Colorful paper
- Adhesive (double-sided tape)
- Cellophane
- Ribbon
- Scissors

Here are the easy steps:

Step 2: Then, cut bright and colorful paper into strips the same size as the cut rolls to cover them.

Step 3: Use double sided tape to adhere the paper onto the cut rolls.

Step 4: Next, Pick your family’s favorite flavors of Ring Pop Lollipops, then stuff one into each covered roll.

Step 5: Place the stuffed paper towel roll onto a rectangle of cellophane with extra length on either sider. Wrap the roll in the cellophane and secure one end with ribbon, making sure to leave enough cellophane at each side so you can attach it to the next roll.

Step 6: Repeat this process, overlapping the cellophane and using the ribbon to tie the 2 wrapped rolls together to create your Lei. Do this until you have reached your desired length.

Step 7: Tie ends of the lei together